DMC at the 2011 Siemens Automation Summit

As a proud Siemens Solution Partner, DMC always looks forward to participating in the annual Siemens Automation Summit. Each year, the Summit offers attendees several days of engaging demonstrations, networking opportunities, and other breakout event...

DMC Helps Connect the Siemens User Community with an Interactive New Event

What was the Siemens Connect Event? The Siemens Connect Event was an hour-long networking event held at the 2011 Siemens Automation Summit. Likened to "speed networking," the Connect Event was initiated as a fun and interactive way for S...

Geek Challenge: Summer Road Trip Riddle

July is the heart of summer road trip season.  And with gas at about $4 per gallon, that trip to the national park can be pretty expensive.  So, this month’s geek challenge could help you optimize your trip. Everybody knows that at...

SharePoint 2007 and 2010 - Color Coding Custom Lists and Tasks

Humans are visual by nature so creating a graphic icon for a list of items or tasks can be extremely beneficial when trying to sort through data. Without having to configure SharePoint Designer or writing custom code, you can create a simple color co...

Geek Challenge Results: Off and Running

The Sam and Brenda race problem was a fun one to solve.  Following simple Distance = Rate * Time methods, it is easy to get to 4 equations and 5 unknowns, which can leave you stuck because the problem doesn’t tell you, and you can never figure o...

Those who visit DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board."  This is where we document the most infamous utterances of the moment.

Employee Spotlight: Matt Puskala

Matt Puskala, Project Manager You started as an intern at DMC and have worked your way up to management. What have you learned along the way? I started working at DMC as a co-op in 2000. I’ve learned to use any support at your disposal ri...

Siemens S7-1200 Analog IO

If you find yourself working with Analog IO on the Siemens S7-1200 for the first time, you may wonder how and where to start.  Here are some basic tips for working with Analog IO on this PLC platform.  For the purposes of this blog, I will ...

Siemens PLCS, Networking, and More--DMC at the SITEC 2011 Conference

I recently had the opportunity to attend my first Siemens technical conference. The conference, called SITEC, took place May 16-20 in Atlanta, GA, and Kristie Shea and I represented DMC. SITEC is Siemens’ technical conference where solution par...

DMC to Present at the 2011 Siemens Automation Summit

DMC is excited to attend and present at the Siemens Automation Summit 2011 held from June 27-30 at Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club Resorts in Orlando, FL. The Summit is an annual conference that focuses on the end-users of Siemens automation prod...

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