Programming Madness - Diving into Round 2

First off, I would like to start out this post by apologizing for using significantly more than my allotted month of time for this tournament. You might have noticed I subtly dropped the “March” piece from the title, but let’s be ho...

Geek Challenge Results: March Madness Part I

Congratulations to Dean Schmitz, who earned victory in the March Madness Geek Challenge thanks to Kentucky’s win over Kansas in the final. He used his superior average bracket score to best Dan Freve, who turned in the tournament's highest ...

Second Annual DMC Ski Trip

After a great time on last year's DMC ski trip to Breckenridge, nine DMC employees and friends decided to continue the tradition. Last month, we headed west to hit the slopes in Vail, CO. Enjoy the photos below and live vicariously t...

Those who visit DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board." This is where we document the most infamous utterances of the moment.

Shamrock Shuffle 2012

On March 25, 2012, for the 7th year in a row, DMC competed in the Shamrock Shuffle, an 8K (4.98 miles) race through downtown Chicago. It was a great day for the race and we had more than respectable results. Of special note is race newcomer...

DMC Achieves Microsoft Partner Gold Status in Software Development and Portals and Collaboration

DMC is proud to announce its continued achievement of Gold Partner status within the Microsoft Partner Network. In obtaining this highest level of competency for both Software Development and SharePoint Portals and Collaboration DMC enters its eighth...

Upgrading SharePoint from MOSS 2007 to Standard 2010

A client of our Consulting Services team recently decided to take the plunge and upgrade their SharePoint farm from Microsoft Office SharePoint Services 2007 (a.k.a. MOSS 2007) to SharePoint 2010 Standard Edition. They also decided to add a separate ...

SharePoint Designer Workflow Mysteries: Why Your Changes Won't Take Effect

I recently encountered an error in SharePoint Designer without a lot of documented information available and wanted to share my workaround with others who may be experiencing it. The bug occurs when attempting a spe...

March Programming Madness: Round 1 - Part 2

Although I have admittedly not been keeping pace with the rate of elimination of the other big tournaments this month, I like to think that the delay between updates is building at least some semblance of suspense. Even if most of my coworkers think ...

The Basics of Siemens S7 PLC I/O Addressing

Are you a new user of Siemens PLCs a and wondering what terms like "process image" and "peripheral address" mean? What does the "P" in "PIW" stand for? Are you an experienced user and are too embarrassed ...

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