My First Impressions of DMC

Big changes are never easy. Especially when it comes to work and where you live. After three years of experience at the DMC partner company National Instruments, I feel fortunate to have come to understand more about myself and my...

DMC's Sweet Sixteen

DMC celebrated a significant milestone last week - our sweet sixteen. In the past few years we've reflected on our 14th anniversary and our quinceañera. This year, we decided to commemorate our 16th anniversary by donatin...

Programming Madness - Conference Finals

Admittedly, this process has taken me longer than the average gestation period for a hamster, a kangaroo, and an otter all put together, but the recent popular movement for tournaments has given this blog fresh life and also helped confirm my st...

Consider Migrating to the Cloud

Is cloud computing right for your business? Working on the consulting services team at DMC, I encounter clients with a desire for an office intranet without the hassle of reinventing the wheel. SharePoint does a lot for its users, but the fact rem...

SharePoint Gotchas - and How to Beat Them

SharePoint is a fairly complex product that is in a state of constant maturation. With so much customization available to users and developers, it can be hard to stay on top of best practices - especially when those best practices may not be document...

Employee Spotlight: Sam Weber

Sam Weber, Systems Engineer  What’s your favorite programming language? I would say C#, but that sounds cliché. I think SQL is fun because you can instantly see the results of your programming. SQL offers multiple ways to do somethin...

Using an iPhone to Control a Factory

Most Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) are in a static location. Sometimes, this can be inconvenient if you need to check a device (motor, valve, diverter, etc.), but the sight line from the HMI is blocked and you need to be able to watch the device mov...

DMC's Video Series

At DMC we're proud of our extensive project experience and unique culture. In order to better share these stories we've initiated a video series to help you learn more about DMC. Check out our YouTube channel for a full list of DMC vi...

Shared File In a recent DMC project using a combination of C# and C++, it was necessary to share enums and constants defined in one project with the other to guarantee compatibility and reduce errors. This was accomplished through the use of ...

Geek Challenge: Gravity Race Riddle

This month’s Geek Challenge is about the quickest way to get from A to B. An object is released from rest at Point A.  Influenced by the constant vertical acceleration of gravity, it slides on a frictionless path to Point B (if it's...

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