DMC Company Poker Tournament

We DMCers can get pretty competitive in just about anything: from WhirlyBall to golf to bowling we like to keep a friendly air of rivalry live around the office. This past Friday was no exception as we wrapped up the work week with a company Poker To...

Office 365 Breakfast Briefing: Learn How to Achieve Your Business Goals

Join DMC, Directions Training, and Softmart at this complimentary Office 365 breakfast briefing on Thursday, March 13 from  8:30 - 11:30 a.m. at the Microsoft Midwest District Office in Downers Grove. This event is ideal for ...

DMC's Holiday Party at the Crystal Gardens

Ninety-seven DMC employees and their significant others, friends, and family made it (despite sub-zero temperatures) to Crystal Gardens at Navy Pier for the annual DMC Holiday Party. It was a month and a half of epic planning: booking a photogra...

Geek Challenge: A Balancing Act

An apparatus is constructed as shown below comprising equivalent buckets of water.  The buckets and water were placed on the scale first, and it balanced.  Then two suspended balls of equal diameter are added in the configuration shown. &nb...

Employee Spotlight: Otto Gottlieb

Each month DMC's Employee Spotlight takes a closer look at a different employee to learn more about the people who make up Team DMC. From using his development skills to do good in El Salvador to DMC’s annual ski trip, discover what Otto...

DMC Quote Board - February 2014

Those who visit DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board." This is where we document the most infamous utterances of the moment.   Learn more about DMC's company culture.

DMC February Comic

Engineers are known for being serious about their work, but we leave plenty of room for laughs. At DMC, we have a fondness for humor of the geeky variety. Our new monthly web feature, DMC Comics, will highlight engineering-minded humor with original ...

Bowling and Beer: A Perfect DMC Welcome

My DMC welcome party was a joint venture with Tim Johnson who started at DMC just before I did. I read about the famed welcome parties before even interviewing at DMC and had been excited to potentially have my own ever since! Tim and I decided on th...

Testing SharePoint 2010 Email Receivers - Part One

If you have ever worked with SharePoint development, you may have run into a situation where it becomes necessary to test the functionality of a custom email receiver event handler on a document library. This blog will not go into detail on how to cr...

ESXi 5.5: Still Free But Limited

ESXi, which is VMWare’s free bare-metal hypervisor, released Version 5.5 in late September 2013. There are some great new features that basically double every configuration maximum from version 5.1. This also includes unlimited physical RAM on ...

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