DMC Spring Carnival Party

DMC burned it up during our Spring Carnival Party held at the Chicago office on Thursday May 29, 2014. Equipped with two deep fryers, a soft serve ice cream machine (toppings included of course) and a host of entertainment, DMC clients, partners, emp...

Moisture-Sensing Automatic Garden Watering System

Ashley Enderlin, Ryan Taylor and I developed an automatic moisture-sensing garden watering system for DMC's rooftop garden on FedEx Day this year. This solar powered watering system constantly monitors the moisture content of the soil and uses...

DMC Chicago Welcomes its Newest Engineer

This is only my second month at DMC, and so far everything is going great. I’ve had the opportunity to work for a couple of exceptional companies prior to DMC, and so my expectations of what a great job ought to be were already pretty high. ...

Ping Pong App Upgraded

For FedEx Day 2014, I worked on upgrading the user interface and functionality of the DMC Ping Pong App. This involved upgrading the hardware from a 7’ tablet to a 21.5’ one, working with Ela to redesign the skin, add graphics, and add ne...

HOW TO: Install WordPress on an IIS Server

For FedEx Day I set up WordPress on an IIS (Internet Information Services) server to test the capabilities compared to Dot Net Nuke (DNN), extensibility through plugins and the difficulty of writing my own, and the SEO-oriented design that it offers....

VR Labyrinth: Exploring the Tilt Table with an Oculus Rift

If you have been following DMC I’m sure you’ve seen or heard of our awesome tilt table demo. The latest big news is that our demo has made a leap into the future. That’s right, were talking about Virtual Reality! Not those silly adv...

Creating a mOOnster: Practical Adaptions of LabVIEW Object Oriented

For DMC's 2014 Fed Ex Day, I spent time working on adapting the SEA Monster into a LabVIEW Object Oriented (LVOOP) format. DMC has, for many years, been developing a state machine architecture, in LabVIEW, well suited for industrial applications....

Spring Cleaning the DMC Network

For my Fed-Ex Day project, I worked on creating a new DHCP structure for DMC. This was a project that for the most part was not critical, but was something I wouldn’t have done in a normal day. The main goal was to help clean up and organize...

Dynamic Database-Driven Validation Ranges in ASP.NET MVC

Last week I was working on a project using the ASP.NET MVC 4 framework.The client required some of their form fields to have range limits that would generate a visual warning but not prevent a user from submitting data. The tricky part was that they ...

DMC Highlight Cam Project

For Fed Ex Day 2014 Devon, Otto, and I worked on the DMC Highlight Cam Project. The end goal of the DMC Highlight Cam project is three-fold: Have a camera mounted so that it can continually record all activity at the ping pong table (or any ...

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