Visit DMC at NIDays 2014 in Chicago and Boston

DMC will exhibit at the NIDays Conference in Chicago (Wednesday, October 8) and Boston (Tuesday, November 4). The one-day, free multi-track conference targets engineers and scientists designing systems for test, design, and control applications. With...

DMC Denver is Living the Mile High Life

Since opening our Denver office in August of 2014, Boris, John, Jimmy and I have been working hard to get settled in our homes, bring the office together, and have some good plain fun. We are finally moved into our new office and have left behind the...

Office 365 Business and Technical Benefits

Microsoft continues to deliver enhancements and improvements to its Office 365 cloud offerings. With a brand new suite of Office 365 plans going live on October 1, 2014, I thought it might be helpful to share an updated list of business and technical...

Pet Project: Turn A Fan Into A Clock

For those of you with electronics hobbies, here is an interesting pet project that is not very difficult or expensive. In fact, you can find most of the parts lying around your house. The idea is to make an analog display clock. The finished product ...

Sixteen Candles on My DMC Cake

I can't really imagine it right now… I don't feel different…  I don't feel like I look different… but, I've been here at DMC for 16 years. I found DMC through a random encounter with Frank in Texas. Later,...

'Lions, Tigers, and Brews' Proves Fun Despite Blustery Day

When the opportunity arose to go to the already-awesome Lincoln Park Zoo in order to taste 150 plus awesome beers, I knew many at DMC couldn’t resist. Sure enough, sixteen people from DMC signed up for the Lions, Tigers, and Brews event, so we ...

Repairing an NI USB-6351 X-Series DAQ

Recently, I’ve needed to do some proof of concept testing for a LabVIEW-based project. The only special I/O requirement for my prototype was a +/- 10V analog output that is capable of sourcing at least 1mA of current. The good news was that DMC...

10 Reasons Why Business Users Should Upgrade to SharePoint 2013

Ever wondered what the benefits of SharePoint 2013 are in comparison to SharePoint 2010? The ten most useful features of SharePoint 2013 for Business Users are listed below:             1. You can dr...

Using an S7-1200 PLC as a Modbus TCP Slave

Have a need to make data available from your S7-1200 PLC to a Modbus TCP Master (or SCADA)? Luckily, this is easy to setup. This will be short and sweet. Siemens provides two Instruction blocks for setting up Client/Server Modbus TCP connections &...

Refreshing Datasources in Iconics’ Genesis64 HMI/SCADA Development Software

Datasources in Genesis64 are defined within the GridWorX64 application to cache data for display and use in the HMI. My experience with datasources has been as a link between a SQL server database and Genesis64. However, while developing an applicati...

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