Tools for Debugger Logging on Embedded Devices

An essential part of the development process for embedded devices is debugger logging. With multiple threads running simultaneously on a resource-constrained microcontroller, it can be hard to know where to start debugging. Putting debugger breakp...

DMC Dogs in the Office

A wonderful aspect of working at DMC and going into the office is seeing a furry friend approach you, tail wagging. For as long as many DMC employees can remember, dogs have been allowed to come into the office. There are only two simple rules to ...

DMC Chicago's Night at the Museum

DMC's Chicago office recently gathered to celebrate the holidays at the Museum of Contemporary Art.  After a dinner of Spanish Tapas & Mexican Street food, guests were free to peruse the galleries of the MCA's current exhibits:&nb...

MagneMotion Guide Part 9: Traffic Jam Prevention

In my previous blog, MagneMotion Blog Part 8: Simulation, we discussed track simulation, a valuable tool MagneMotion offers to help test out MagneMotion controls before a track is even assembled. In this blog, we’ll discuss in...

DMC Quote Board - February 2024

Visitors to DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board," documenting the best engineering jokes and employee one-liners of the moment.  Learn more about DMC's company culture and check out our open positions!

Fun at DMC - Volume 20

Check out all the fun DMCers have had over the past month!  Chicago  The Chicago office went skiing at Alpine Valley!  DMC Chicago also gathered to celebrate the holidays at the Museum of Contemporary Art. ...

Converting PLC-5 to ControlLogix with RSLogix Project Migrator - Part One

Upgrading legacy systems is a nerve-wracking experience. Will the hardware swap go smoothly? Will wiring errors be introduced during the swap? Just how many errors will the programmer make when converting hundreds (or thousands) of rungs of logic? An...

An Introduction to Node-Red: Processing and Sending PLC Data to the Cloud

In this blog, I'd like to introduce a prominent software in the realm of Industrial IoT applications: Node-Red. In a sentence, Node-Red is a graphical development tool that is quickly becoming the industry standard for IIoT applications. It's...

Streamline Rockwell’s Application Code Manager with Excel

Rockwell’s Application Code Manager (ACM for short) is well known throughout the controls industry. ACM aids in bulk loading PLC object instances for many types of projects ranging from small repeatable process skid projects to DCS applications...

SQL Server Performance Troubleshooting

Introduction You have a SQL Server database, and one or more of your queries are running slow. You need to figure out why. You're not going to find the solution to your specific problem in this blog post, but you will find the first troubleshooti...

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