Several times per year, DMC turns on our away messages and leaves the office for an "All-Day Company Meeting, or ADCM. These meetings mix training topics with a fun activity for a full day of company growth and bonding. DMC Chicago's late...
Visitors to DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board," documenting the most infamous utterances of the moment.
Engineers are known for being serious about their work, but we leave plenty of room for laughs. At DMC, we have a fondness for humor of the geeky variety. Thanks to Mark Locascio of DMC for contributing the title! Learn more about FAT and HPFS...
DMC is proud to join Microsoft’s new Azure IoT Red Carpet Program. Partners are individually selected by Microsoft and invited to join the program based on their expertise and proven success in implementing IoT solutions. By joining, D...
For my very first project at DMC, I was tasked with setting up a file handling system through B&R Automation Studio 3. The application was to create a CSV file, populate the file with the revelant information, and then move the file to a new fold...
One of my absolute favorite things about embedded design is watching a product evolve over the development cycle. From unboxing the first prototype all the way to the release of the deluxe commercial model, each revision of the design poses new and i...
DMC received some good news recently from one of our customers. Over the years, DMC has built a solid relationship with Caterpillar, working with different teams and facilities on projects involving LabVIEW, .NET, and various test systems. We were...
For one of our office parties, DMC's Boston office made an automatic bartender by utilizing industrial automation equipment. Before we disassembled it, we made a '90s style infomercial. The blog linked above has much more detail on how we ...
Every month, one DMC office shares an update video with the rest of the company at our monthly meeting. These videos are combination of news, events, and fun. This month was the Chicago office's turn. Inspired by our neighbors in Michigan...
At DMC, we've been known to get pretty creative in spending our Activity Fund, a monthly stipend for planning employee social activities. One longstanding tradition is to get everyone out and about in the dead of winter for some adventurous eatin...