Setting Up Dynamic Navigation in FactoryTalk View SE

Setting up static navigation buttons that bring operators to a single screen when pressed can be sufficient for simple systems; however, it can be difficult to adequately display all necessary screen elements for larger or more complex systems. ...

 DMC Quote Board - March 2024

Visitors to DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board," documenting the best engineering jokes and employee one-liners of the moment.  Learn more about DMC's company culture and check out our open positions!

Early Adoption of Next.js App Router in Production: Our Thoughts

In May of 2023, DMC won a new project for a long-time partner of ours who specializes in separation technologies. The project consisted of a complete rewrite of their order management web portal. The old solution our partner was utilizing w...

Chicago Ski Trip 2024: Da WiSKInson CheeSKInson

Chicago winters can be brutal, but there is no better way to escape the hustle and bustle of the Windy City than with a day trip to Wisconsin to hit the slopes. DMC’s Chicago office decided to shut down their laptops and grab their snow gear fo...

How to Configure NextGen Archiving in WinCC OA to use a Microsoft SQL Server

This two-part blog series is intended to be a step-by-step overview on how to set up and utilize an MS SQL Server and WinCC OA’s NextGen Archive (NGA). Information for a general setup exists via the WinCC OA Documentation (see Further Reading/L...

Fun at DMC - Volume 21

Check out all the fun DMCers have had over the past month!  Boston The Boston office went axe throwing!  Chicago Chicago DMCers had happy hour at the office with the help of Drinkbot, the robot bartender! The Chicago ...

How to Configure a SuperTrak System

SuperTrak is a smart conveyance system that uses electromagnets to move pallets around a track with very fine precision. The nature of SuperTrak’s magnet-based controls offers several benefits over a more typical conveyance system by allowing e...

Intro to CI/CD Pipelines

GitLab defines Continuous Integration (CI)/Continuous Deployment (CD) as “an essential part of DevOps and any modern software development practice.” I prefer to describe it as one of the coolest and niftiest parts of application...

Tools for Debugger Logging on Embedded Devices

An essential part of the development process for embedded devices is debugger logging. With multiple threads running simultaneously on a resource-constrained microcontroller, it can be hard to know where to start debugging. Putting debugger breakp...

DMC Dogs in the Office

A wonderful aspect of working at DMC and going into the office is seeing a furry friend approach you, tail wagging. For as long as many DMC employees can remember, dogs have been allowed to come into the office. There are only two simple rules to ...

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