Entries for 'Rafael Rejuso'
Version control systems are the backbone of any good software development process, so it helps to be familiar with them. At DMC, we typically utilize GitLab and Subversion (SVN)—but occasionally, I’ve had to squash commits together to hav...
DMC has previously covered how to utilize SharePoint’s REST API for building workflows, creating list items and folders, and additional tips. In this blog, I’ll discuss an easy way to consume the SharePoint REST APIs using @pnp/sp in a ty...
There may come a time as a programmer that you have to support a crucial existing system and while the task is daunting, there are still many actions you can take to make that process a lot easier. When you have to work with a deep expansive legacy s...
Tables are a fast way to show a lot of valuable data. There are many guides on sorting tables by a column in React, but sorting multiple columns is something that can take some effort. At the end of this guide, you should have a sortable table where ...
If you’ve ever had to work with UI frameworks, you know that they can save lots of time on a project. I recently set up a layout for a complicated system using Material UI Grids for the first time. Since I didn't find any sim...