Mark's Welcome Party with Blues Traveler
Seeing Blues Traveler perform at Harry Caray’s on Navy Pier for Mark Locascio's welcome party is not the ordinary Thursday evening. However, Mark is not an ordinary person, but an extraordinary and very important person who deserves to receive such a label at least once in his life. That is just what he was able to experience on September 27 with the Gold VIP pass to the event along with the other DMC Blues Traveler fans!
With the benefit of the Gold VIP pass, we enjoyed a buffet of fantastic food from Harry Caray’s, an open bar, and most importantly, spots to eat and drink as close to the band as we wanted (it’s nice to be very important). This was an upgrade from the general area located 30 feet from the stage with cans of beer as the only beverage option.
Once the performance started, I was blown away by the advanced musicality of the band. My only familiarity with the band before this night was with the song 'Run Around', so I didn’t know what to expect from them live. What I experienced that night was flawless song transitioning, brilliant instrumental soloing, and harmonica playing ten times better than that one guy wishes he could play (we all have that person in our lives). I honestly did not know that it was possible to play the harmonica as violently as John Popper played his.
Both people who knew the band (like Patrick who inserted “Bush” into appropriate pauses during ‘The Mountains Win Again’) and those who did not agreed the Blues Traveler concert was a hit! More importantly, it was a fun way to welcome another stellar employee to DMC.

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