A DMC Welcome by the Blue Man Group
Since DMC is so excited about adding new members to the team, every new employee receives a welcome party. DMC is fortunate to be located in the best city in the world, so there are endless party options. Every new employee chooses their welcome event, and the entire company is invited to attend, as well as significant others.
In order to properly welcome Dan Lawler and myself to DMC, we decided to be entertained by the brilliant madness that is the Blue Man Group. After hitting up the bar, we settled into our seats and the lights dimmed. Three Blue Men hesitantly crept out from behind the curtain and curiously stared out into the crowd. These guys were ridiculously talented in everything from comedy, to catching marshmallows, to painting, and drumming. They were accompanied by an awesome stage band that was covered in glow paint and whose stage hovered above the main stage.

The theme of the show was the Blue Men interacting with contemporary technological devices, which was extrememly fitting for our DMC engineering group. The finale entailed the audience being flooded by gigantic inflated balls and massive amounts of streamers accompanied by strobe lights and music. It was awesome. I feel very welcomed by DMC and I'm excited to be part of this incredible group of people.

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