We have a lot of fun working in the DMC office - often if you're not laughing, it's because everyone else is laughing at you, not with you.
As a New Year's Resolution this year I decided to grow a beard. It looked terrible. I became the butt of many jokes coming to work every morning looking more and more like that kid you went to high school with who needed to shave for the first time. With Valentine's Day coming up recently, my wife finally make the decision for me to shave it off. To have a little fun, I asked my fellow DMCers for their ideas as to how I should shave it. There were many suggestions and emails covering nearly the complete gamut of the beard trustworthiness scale, but we eventually settled on a sequence of various facial hair types to try during the course of a normal Friday.
To start things off, I came to work sporting a 'full' beard - or at least as full as I could grow it in a month.

Around 9am, it was time to put the plan into action. My first style was the "Friendly Mutton Chops." I do admit, I found myself looking rather friendly.

By 10am, I was growing bored with being friendly. It was time for the "1880's Politician." This picture truly does not do this look justice. It was one of the office favorites.

At 11:30am I started getting hungry and possibly a little cranky. It was time to journey into the seedier side of beards. Witness the "Trucker Handlebar." Personally, I think I pulled this off.

I'll admit, I really liked the trucker look. However, there was more action to come, and around 2:30 I lost the sideburns and went for the "Fu Manchu." This beard was a facial disaster. I looked in the mirror and did not trust the man staring back at me.

Unable to handle the power of the Fu Manchu, I called an audible and turned to the Burt Reynolds/Tom Sellick look. Regrettably (or thankfully), there were no pictures. Pretty soon I was ready to get back on track and proceed to the "Cop Stache." It was a great decision, and I felt awesome. If I ever decide to grow facial hair again, I'm going straight to this bad boy. Read it and weep.

I should never have lost the cop stache, but by 4:30 it was time to move on. Next up, the Charlie Chaplin. I think the hat pulled it together.

By 4:45 I'd have enough of Mr. Chaplin, so I went back to being a baby-faced software engineer. Thus ends our journey and our story. Time to start working on that cop stache again!
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